Las Vegas Garage Door Repair

4 Solutions to Make Home Garage Parking Easier and Safer

For some people, pulling up to their garage to park their car can be a challenge. Not only is it inconvenient with difficulties entering and exiting your garage, but there are potential damage risks to your car like paint and body damage. Here are American Veteran Garage Door’s four easy solutions you can do to help home garage parking easier and safer.

Easy, Safer Parking Garage Tips

1. Parking assisters

There are many options for parking assisters that are very affordable and most of them you can do yourself with a couple of simple supplies. The tennis ball method is quite popular. Once you’ve found a safe parking spot for your car, take measurements from your windshield from your garage ceiling, and simply hang the tennis ball with yarn or a string.

This way, the next time you open your garage door to pull into your garage, you know it’s clear when the tennis ball comes in contact with your windshield. There are many other options on the market like lasers and parking targets you can place under your tires. When in doubt, there are many ways you can DIY, so get creative!

2. Wall bumpers

Wall bumpers are cheap ways to save your car door from damaging your garage or your car itself. In addition, you could also use them as parking assisters by lining your car up with them. They’re easy to install and quite convenient for smaller garages too. Opening your door to a rubber stop can help prevent eye-sore dings on your garage wall or scratching the edge of your car door.

3. Lighting

If your garage doesn’t have proper lighting for your safety, you might want to consider better lighting that could both help you park and see. It’s quite common for garages to have outdated lighting fixtures and upgrading it can make a huge difference for your safety and parking ability.

4. Declutter and storage

Sometimes the best thing to make more space for vehicles in your garage is to simply declutter and look to better storage options. Take the time to clean out your garage of excess objects and junk or consider investing in cabinets, a wall organization system, or even overhead storage racks. Once you have more space in your garage, you might find it easier to safely park your car.